Is Ketamine Therapy Right for You? Questions to Ask Your Doctor

is ketamine therapy right for you bni clinics

What treatment is appropriate for a person in crisis?

Ketamine infusions are rapidly becoming a viable answer to that question. With a single dose potentially producing relief for depression and anxiety within an hour, it’s a valuable tool in acute situations.

Ketamine therapy is useful for more than just that, though. In one study, over 50% of participants with severe depression achieved total remission after three ketamine infusions.

Is ketamine therapy right for you? BNI Clinics is an expert provider of this form of treatment, and we’ll give you the information you need to decide with your doctor.

What Is Ketamine Therapy? What Is It Used to Treat?

At high doses, ketamine is an anesthetic. At lower doses, it can provide relief from depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and more.

It is typically given intravenously, and the effects are felt very quickly. Ketamine therapy also involves talk therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It is not only about ketamine injections. IV ketamine typically doesn’t last long-term on its own.

Ketamine can also have psychedelic effects, triggering “out of body” or mystical experiences in some individuals. For some, these potential experiences are an important part of the healing process.

what is ketamine therapy what is it used to treat

The Benefits and Risks of Ketamine Therapy

Like many treatment options, there are both benefits and risks to consider before participating in ketamine therapy.

A benefit of ketamine therapy is its fast-acting nature. It is especially useful for individuals experiencing suicidal ideation, with half of the participants in one study noticing a significant decline in these impulses. It provides relief far sooner than anti-depressants, which often take weeks to take effect. Sometimes, severe depression will not respond to medication at all, but it will respond to ketamine.

Ketamine therapy also has its drawbacks. It is not FDA-approved yet, meaning insurance will not pay for it. This can make treatment expensive. It also often requires “maintenance,” or follow-up ketamine treatments to sustain results long-term. It can also raise blood pressure and heart rate, which may make it unsuitable for individuals with some health conditions. Its psychedelic-like effects can also worsen symptoms of psychosis and schizophrenia. That being said, when you make the decision to participate in ketamine therapy, your clinician will regularly check in with you to monitor any side effects and adjust your dose as needed.

How to Know if Ketamine Therapy Is Right for You

Several factors could indicate ketamine therapy is right for you. If these statements apply to you, it may be time to talk to your doctor about ketamine therapy:

  • You have treatment-resistant depression. If you have tried many other treatment options and symptoms persist, ketamine therapy might be appropriate. This is especially true if your depression is severe.
  • You experience suicidal ideation. If you frequently consider taking your own life, you should consider ketamine therapy. This is especially true if you have attempted suicide before or have the active intention to do so.
  • You can receive multiple treatments over time. Ketamine infusions are typically not a permanent solution to depression symptoms. It may require repeated infusions. If you are unable or unwilling to commit to this, ketamine therapy may not be right for you.
  • You have chronic pain and/or anxiety. While ketamine is typically considered for treatment-resistant depression, it can help with these concerns as well.

How to Discuss Ketamine Therapy With Your Doctor

You can talk to your doctor about ketamine therapy whether you feel you are a good candidate for it or not. Some practitioners will be more knowledgeable on the subject than others, but they will be able to advise you. Here are some examples of questions you might want to ask:

  • “What side effects can I expect from ketamine?”
  • “Are there any medical conditions or medications that would make ketamine an unsafe choice for me?”
  • “How often will I need treatments, and how long will each treatment last?”
  • “Would you consider my condition severe enough to warrant ketamine therapy?”
  • “How much experience do you have with ketamine therapy?”
  • “Who is going to administer my treatment, and do they have experience with ketamine therapy?”
  • “How long will it take to see improvements, and what should I look out for?”
  • “What kinds of followups are required after my ketamine sessions?”

Keep in mind that your doctor is there to assist you. Don’t hesitate to inquire about anything you are curious or concerned about. It is always better to get answers, no matter the question. This is especially true for relatively new treatment modalities like ketamine therapy.

the benefits and risks of ketamine therapy

Finding Ketamine Therapy at BNI Clinics in Los Angeles

Are you ready to try ketamine therapy yourself? Talk to your doctor first, and come to a mutual decision about how you’ll proceed. Ketamine therapy isn’t for everyone, but if you and your doctor decide it’s a good option for you, your next step is finding the right provider. They could play a significant role in your mental health journey.

BNI Clinics provides ketamine therapy and a host of other services to individuals in the Los Angeles area. Our care is not limited to one age group. We diagnose learning differences in children and provide therapy for older adults as they face the obstacles that come with aging. Adolescents are also welcome, and our relationship with our sister facility, BNI Treatment Centers, allows us to refer teens to more intensive care whenever required. This is just a fraction of what we offer. Call us at (310) 691-5005 to learn more.

BNI Clinics: Science-based, evidence-backed, compassion-led.